MSG King Tide and let them know you are coming to the gig and get a $5 discount
Cheers Suzy in the office
Pfft!Who cares a whole lot of white guy pounces fucked and trashy attempting to play reggie. or rock steady or that ska thing.
Anyways,they play ska too slow .Ska music mate was invented by punks in the U.S.of A. Like those bad brains hard a fucking furious guys mate.They invented ska along with the skate board and California shit like long shorts and beanies and flanelete shirts. Reggie or whatever the faaark they wanna call it.
aNYWAY ,i HATE REGGIE.Its bullshit mate jah bloody bullshit.Shit aye man give us some rock with my chick,with my chick mate .You know HEAVY ROCK GUITARS mate .Rose Tatts and Angels and the Finger you know Cold Finger ,no Powder Chisel,fuck my mind ,my mind,its going round I cant think of anything to say .Fuck it I’m going to say it any way. .Aussie stuff .You know the chicks love it !My chick she loves the finger.
King Tide Reggie? fucking reg-GAY more like it. We’re they playing because I aint going .
KING TIDE BEACH RD HOTEL BONDI SATURDAY THE 14TH OF JULY WITH troubadourANTHONY OUSBACK and the beat slack sounds of the very modern CHICKADICS.
MSG King Tide and let them know you are coming to the gig and get a $5 discount Cheers Suzy in the office