Off-The-Grid Gathering
Roots Collective invites you to Off-the-grid Gathering
Off-the-grid gathering is an intimate outdoor pop-up experience, focused on exploring arts and culture around simple, sustainable and healthy living.
We do not aim to define the meaning “off-the-grid”, but instead to create and learn from an experience that will lead each one of us to think, feel and act towards a more sustainable, simple, connected and creative lifestyle.
8:00 – Meditation Session
9:00 – Set up
11:00 – Yoga Session
13:30 – Lunch
14:00 – RSO
14:45 – Gathering Discussions
15:30 – Collective Music Jam
18:00 – Clean up party!
– Photo Exhibition by Simone Bressan
– Collective Painting
– Flea Market (Exchanging clothes & stuff area)
– Planting Trees with JahWise Elie
– Painting & Crafts with Fernanda Manzeli and Daniela Sönksen
– And whatever we feel like on the day…
After running so many Reggae Cruises, the Roots Culture Festival and all other events we have been involved with. Here we are again working as a collective to create an experiece that we believe to be trully meaningfull for all of us.
Basicaly we are asking ourselves if we really need expensive boats, staging, international acts and all infrastucture that will create more waste and finacial stress? Or can we just cut all this shit and simplify to what really matters and focus on what we already have around us?
For us the sense of belonging and real connections to what we love is what it really counts…
Set to be held somewhere amazing such as a park, beach or out on the nature, our next venture will be held in Teesdale at our famous “Roots Collective Headquarters”
Please lets maximise the use of your car seats!
Do you cook, drive, build, paint or play? If not, thats ok!
Lets create together and simply find out what a bunch of beautiful people in such an inspiring place can do!
The main thing is… to be yourself!
So we invite you all to share, create and inspire with the reseorces we already have, but keeping in mind that simple is always beautiful.
Activities such as workshops, arts exhibition, meditation, Yoga, live music jam and strawberry planting are on our wish-list for the day… Now its up to you to tell us how you would like to play!